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Bernie McCarthy holds a PhD in Irish literature and has taught at University College Cork, University of Limerick and West Cork College. She is a specialist in Irish Myth and Legend, writes historical fiction and lives near Baltimore in the southwest of Ireland. Her publications include works in From the Well, the Wildean, Notes & Queries, Irish University Review and Cahiers victoriens et édouardiens.


Dr. Emma Bidwell has a BA and a PhD in English awarded by University College Cork. Emma is also a Lecturer for Women’s Studies MA, and Women's Studies Outreach Programme  for University College Cork.  Dr. Bidwell has designed, delivered and assessed a range of courses for University College Cork, and the University of Limerick.

“During my time studying at UL, I had the pleasure of being taught by a select number of passionate and engaging lecturers such as Dr Emma Bidwell, who inspired me to work harder.”

Student in the University of Limerick BA New Media and English Exit Survey 2012

Online Courses Now Available

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